NEO-150107E Chrome Plated Square Table Leg
Chrome Plated Square Table Leg is used in cafe and restaurants. It is chrome plated on metal. Color selection can be made.
Please contact us to get information about the production stages, technical information, delivery time, logo application, modification options, wholesale price information and to place an order.
Chrome Plated Square Table Leg
Chrome Plated Square Table Leg is used in cafe and restaurants.
It is chrome plated on metal. Color selection can be made from the ral chart. It can also be produced as static painted.
It can be produced in different sizes and weights according to the size of the table top. Optionally, it can be ordered at the height of a bar table.
It is suitable for indoor use. If to be used outdoors, it can be produced with aluminum or stainless steel material. Please ask for detailed information.
There are adjusting screws under the table leg for uneven floors.
It can be shipped disassembled.
Please contact us to get information about the production stages, technical information, delivery time, logo application, modification options, wholesale price information and to place an order.