NEO-171109E Retro Style Aluminum Table Leg
Retro Style Aluminum Table Leg is preferred in cafe, restaurant, hotel, fast food restaurant, shopping mall and coffee shops both indoors and outdoors.
Retro Style Aluminum Table Leg
Retro Style Aluminum Table Leg has a decorative appearance as well as ease of use. This design is preferred in cafe, restaurant, hotel, fast food restaurant, shopping mall and coffee shops both indoors and outdoors. It is suitable for every environment and looks decorative with aluminum chairs. It does not rust outdoors and it does not form bacteria. There are glides under the table leg for uneven floors. Color can be selected according to user’s preference.
The table base with Ø42cm diameter has weight options of 5,8kg, 8kg and 11,5kg.
For larger and heavier table tops, Ø48cm diameter base 6,5kg, 8,9kg and 12,5kg.
Please contact for the wholesale prices and detailed information.